Blog - GO Educational Tours

Student Group Tour Leader and a Successful Class Trip

Written by contentadmin | December 21, 2017

Why is a good GO Leader important to the success of your trip?

Quite simply they are one of the key elements to a successful class trip is a GO Educational Tours GO Leader.

Their work with student groups is simply the best. Our teacher reviews support this. Our post trip report card asks these 2 questions:

-- In your assessment, how important was the GO Leader to the success of the trip?10 (out of 10, ten being the highest score)

-- If you had a GO Leader included in your tour, would you recommend using a GO Leader to other organizers? Yes

We work very hard with our GO Leaders to bring all of their energy and passion to their work. Local guides and trip managers offer good services however they do not represent the brand. They work one day for one company and the next for another. Standards vary and unfortunately we've found many times the work did not meet the standards expected from our teachers. Many companies also change their tour leaders once or twice a day and this interrupts the continuity of the tour.

Our GO Leaders are on your trip because they are passionate about sharing their love of travel and making sure your students have a memorable experience on their trip.

Our GO Leaders are invited to join the GO Team based on a variety of qualities:

Initiative, energy, engaging, smile, smart, experienced travelers, passionate travelers, organized, involved, positive leaders.

GO Leaders understand it is often times a student's first travel experience without their parents. Traveling with their peers is a lot of fun. Not only is it a unique opportunity for us as passionate travelers to share this passion for travel but also to share it with students and help them learn about the stories, people, events and locations that have shaped the history of each destination they explore.

What are your GO Leader’s priorities to make your class trip a success?

Smooth trip
Anticipating and making sure your program can unfold as planned
Your trip has some many days: delays only means time taken away from your objectives. We make sure to maximize every moment

What was the best aspect of having a GO Leader on tour?:
As always, [our GO Leader] was amazing with the students. One kid kept asking if he was a wizard because he was 'always happy and made stuff happen'. I think the student is right!

Any additional comments you would like to add : Thanks for another great adventure!
Amy B., Hartford Ct

Adapt and adjust
Making the necessary adjustments, on the fly and in collaboration with you the trip organizer

What was the best aspect of having a GO Leader on tour? knowledge, leadership and time keeper -
- Nick M, NYC, 2017

GO Leaders make safety the most important factor for the students during the trip.

  • Review safety daily
    Safety reminders
    Be on the lookout to make sure everyone is safe at all times

What was the best aspect of having a GO Leader on tour?
Safety, Saving time, information
- Nevruz T, Atlanta Ga

Share the stories of the locations you visits and prepare students for their visit or exploration.
What was the best aspect of having a GO Leader on tour?
The personal attention and enthusiasm given to the group, as well as all the information regarding the site. We were even given useful and interesting information on the bus as we passed landmarks or places of interest.
Lori D, Charlotte, NC 2017

Leading your student group with enthusiasm, positive energy and passion
What was the best aspect of having a GO Leader on tour?
Leadership, energy, knowledge and positivity
- Alyssa U, Vt 2017

In this series we will explore the role of our GO Leaders and get to know some of them a little more as the 2018 travels season is upon us.

We will also share some of the training experiences as we prepare for the 2018 travel season.